It's friggin' gorgeous outside right now! Spring has sprung in New England, and everyone is noticing that they have a lot of junk!

I told one of my clients recently that it's not junk! Someone could use it! Her response was "No, it is junk! When it becomes something no one could use, it's $#!+." And I laughed so hard I snarfed my water. I should put that on a coffee mug!
You know what I am really good at organizing? Yard sales. I can get you the things you need for one, I can set it up for you, I can advertise it for you, and I can be there on the day of and run it for you (or help you run it, if you really want to be there to make sure I don't let that lamp go for less than ten bucks!
I have a whole kit that I use when I have one and it only hit me recently that I should be doing this as a separate service for people! Because some of you may have already done the sorting of the stuff you need to get rid of, and you're too tired to actually get rid of it?
Call me. I gotcha!
Check out the packages here.